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Monday, February 19, 2024

What Are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent solution that looks and feels like natural teeth. But what are dental implants, and how do they work? Let's take a closer look.
Dental implants are small, titanium posts that are surgically implanted into your jawbone. Once in place, they serve as a sturdy foundation for a custom-made artificial tooth or teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants do not rely on adjacent teeth for support.
The process of getting dental implants typically involves several steps. First, your dentist will examine your mouth and jaw to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. They may also take x-rays or other imaging tests to assess your jawbone density and determine the best placement for the implants.
Next, the implants are surgically placed into your jawbone. Over time, the implants will fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong, stable base for the artificial tooth or teeth.
Once the implants have fully fused with the jawbone, your dentist will attach abutments to the top of the implants. These abutments serve as connectors between the implants and the artificial teeth.
Your dentist will attach the custom-made artificial tooth or teeth to the abutments. These teeth are designed to look and function like natural teeth, so you can eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
Dental implants are a permanent solution for tooth loss that involve surgically implanting small titanium posts into your jawbone. Over time, the implants fuse with your jawbone to create a strong foundation for artificial teeth that look and function like natural teeth. If you are interested in dental implants, talk to your dentist to see if they are a good option for you.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Understanding the cost of cosmetic dentistry: What you can expect to pay for common procedures

Cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people seek to improve the appearance of their smiles. However, the cost of cosmetic dental procedures can vary widely depending on the procedure and the dentist's location and experience. Here's what you can expect to pay for some common cosmetic dental procedures.
Teeth Whitening: In-office teeth whitening can cost between $500-$1000. Take-home whitening kits can range from $100-$400.
Dental Bonding: The cost of dental bonding can vary between $100-$400 per tooth. This is an affordable alternative to veneers.
Dental Veneers: Veneers typically cost between $1000-$2000 per tooth. However, the cost can vary based on the number of teeth being treated and the materials used.
Invisalign: Invisalign can cost between $3000-$8000, depending on the severity of the misalignment and the length of treatment.
Dental Implants: Dental implants can cost between $3000-$5000 per tooth. This is a more expensive procedure, but it provides a long-lasting solution for missing teeth.
It's important to keep in mind that these costs are just estimates, and the actual cost of your procedure may vary depending on your specific needs and the dentist you choose. Insurance coverage may also be available for some procedures. It's essential to discuss your options with your dentist and make sure you understand the total cost, including any follow-up visits or maintenance required.
Cosmetic dental procedures can be a significant investment, but they can also provide long-lasting benefits to your oral health and overall appearance. By understanding the cost of common procedures and discussing your options with your dentist, you can make an informed decision about which procedure is right for you.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Making your teeth look better with veneers

Everybody wants the best smile possible and there’s no need to have it spoiled by gaps in your teeth or by teeth that are stained or badly shaped.

Whether the problem was caused by nature or by an injury, you may be able to have a veneer placed on top of your teeth to restore or improve your smile.

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth.

Your dentist will usually make a model of your teeth and the veneers will be made by a specialist dental technician.

A small amount of enamel has to be removed from your teeth to accommodate the shell so having veneers is usually an irreversible process.

In order to make the most of your veneer, your dentist may suggest that you avoid foods and drinks that could discolor them, such as coffee, tea or red wine.

It’s also possible that veneers might chip or fracture.

But, for many people, veneers are well worth it as they give them a completely new smile.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The secrets of avoiding gum disease as an older adult

Gum disease also known as periodontal disease often progresses slowly, without pain, over a long period of time and that’s one reason it is common among older adults.

The longer the disease goes undetected and uncontrolled, the more damage it causes to gums and other supporting tissues.

Although periodontal disease is caused by plaque, other factors can increase the risk or severity of the condition, including:
– Food left between the teeth
– Tobacco use smoking and smokeless tobacco
– Badly aligned teeth
– Ill-fitting bridges or partial dentures
– Poor diet
– Systemic diseases such as anemia

Although periodontal disease is common, it can be controlled and, if caught in its early stages, it can be reversed. However, in advanced stages, it may require surgery.

Look out for the following warning signs and see your dentist if you notice any of them:
– Bleeding gums when you brush
– Red, tender or swollen gums
– Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
– Pus between your teeth and gums when the gums are pressed
– Loose teeth or teeth moving apart
– Any change in your bite
– Any change in the fit of your partial dentures
– Constant bad breath or bad taste

Keeping an eye out for these problems and having regular dental checkups can help you stop gum disease becoming a major and expensive problem.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Benefits of Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Overview

Dental implants are an excellent option for people who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or other reasons. They are designed to replace the missing tooth root and provide a strong foundation for a custom-made artificial tooth. There are numerous benefits to dental implants, and in this blog post, we'll take a comprehensive look at what they are.
First and foremost, dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth. They look and feel just like your natural teeth, so you can speak, eat, and smile with confidence. They are also extremely durable and can last for decades with proper care.
Another benefit of dental implants is that they prevent bone loss. When you lose a tooth, the jawbone beneath it can begin to deteriorate over time. Dental implants prevent this by stimulating the bone and keeping it healthy.
Dental implants also offer improved oral health. Unlike dentures, which can be difficult to clean, dental implants can be maintained with regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth. This means that your overall oral health is likely to improve.
Dental implants are a convenient solution for tooth replacement. Unlike dentures, which can slip or become loose, dental implants are permanently anchored in place. This means that you don't have to worry about them falling out or shifting while you eat, speak, or laugh.
Dental implants can improve your overall quality of life. When you have a missing tooth, it can impact your self-esteem and confidence. Dental implants can restore your smile and give you the confidence to pursue your goals and enjoy your life to the fullest.
Dental implants are an excellent option for anyone who is missing one or more teeth. They offer numerous benefits, including improved oral health, convenience, durability, and a natural-looking appearance. If you're considering dental implants, talk to your dentist to see if they are the right solution for you.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

How to choose the right cosmetic dentist for your needs

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist is an important decision that can significantly impact the appearance of your smile. There are several factors to consider when selecting a cosmetic dentist, including their credentials, experience, and patient reviews. Here are some tips to help you choose the right cosmetic dentist for your needs.

  1. Check the dentist's credentials: Look for a cosmetic dentist who is licensed and accredited by a reputable organization such as the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). These credentials ensure that the dentist has undergone specialized training in cosmetic dentistry and meets high standards of professionalism.
  2. Review their experience: Choose a cosmetic dentist with experience in the specific procedure you're interested in. Ask the dentist how many similar procedures they have performed and what their success rate is. You may also want to request before and after photos of their previous patients.
  3. Consider their approach: Find a cosmetic dentist who takes a personalized approach to treatment and takes the time to understand your goals and concerns. A good cosmetic dentist will also explain the risks and benefits of each procedure and provide alternatives to help you make an informed decision.
  4. Read patient reviews: Look for patient reviews online to get a sense of the dentist's reputation and the quality of their work. You can also ask for referrals from friends or family members who have had cosmetic dental procedures.
  5. Evaluate the office environment: Visit the dentist's office to see if it's clean and organized, and if the staff is friendly and professional. A comfortable and welcoming environment can help ease any anxiety you may have about the procedure.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist is a critical step in achieving the smile you desire. By considering factors like their credentials, experience, approach, patient reviews, and office environment, you can find a cosmetic dentist who will help you achieve the beautiful smile you deserve.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What to do if you have problems with your dentist

Choosing the right dentist for your needs is an important part of giving yourself the best oral health possible.

Sometimes you may find that things are not working out for the best and it’s important to take steps to resolve any problems rather than just put off your dental care.

First, talk to your dentist about any concerns. They will probably be able to accmmodate your needs if you tell them what you are looking for.

In some situations, you may feel that you want to look around at alternative options – maybe there are other dentists who meet your needs better, taking into account factors such as location, office hours, fees and emergency arrangements.

If you are comparing fees, ask for estimates on full-mouth x-rays and a preventive dental visit that includes an oral exam and tooth cleaning.

If you have any doubts about treatment your dentist has recommended, it may be a good idea to set your mind at rest by getting a second opinion from another dentist.

However, even in the best dentist-patient relationship, problems can sometimes occur. If your dentist is not able to resolve your concerns, you can contact your state or local dental association.

They have established systems of peer review that provide an impartial and easy way to resolving misunderstandings regarding the appropriateness or quality of care.

If you are not completely satisfied with the dental treatment you are getting, it’s important to take steps to put it right – whether you sort it out with your own dentist or find another one.